I have finally tinkered around on Social Mandarin and managed to create a widget that shows the top 8 new links on the site. Ready to serve the best Mandarin resources on the web. Here is how it looks like. Simple, yet effective. If you are on RSS, clickthrough to the site to check it out in action.

So, I’m asking you guys a small favour. If you have a blog or Mandarin related site, would you please add this widget on your site. I would gladly appreciate you guys sharing it with others. We gotta help each other out here! Here is the code:

<script type="text/javascript">
var box_width = "230px";
var box_height = "375px";
var text_size = "8";
var how_many = 8;
var logo_style = "light";
var bg_color = "ffffff";
var text_color = "666666";
var link_color = "333333";
var border_color = "cccccc";
var score_bg_color = "ffe995";
var score_text_color = "663300";
var score_border_color = "ffe995";
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.socialmandarin.com/sites/all/modules/drigg/drigg_box/drigg_box.js"></script>

Currently, as you can see, the variables are very much explanatory. The default size values are width = 230px and the height = 375px. The widget currently in this blog's sidebar uses the width = 100% to fill the sidebar. However, if your sidebar is not fixed, then I recommend using the default values. Otherwise, edit the size as you wish. The image will scale along with it. Other variables include changing how_many links to show and the text size. To add it in Wordpress just add a widget on the sidebar and copy the code into it! If you have any queries, suggestions or questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Either in the comments below or on email: confusedlaowai@gmail.com If you added it on your site, contact me. I wanna see! Also, if there are any changes, I would like to inform you guys.